Mach Five Tech Group Chicago Logo

We Help You thrive

I Need a Plan

We help define your goals, articulate what success looks like, and provide a step-by-step plan to deliver and meet the strategic objectives.

I need a plan

I need code Application Development

I Need Code

We'll partner with you from ideation to launch. We craft performant web and mobile apps that delight users and exceed expectations. We have the tools and the skills to give you a sustainable technology advantage.

I Need a Quality Culture

Our leadership experience nurtures a culture of innovation and excellence. Leveraging thought leadership and hard earned expertise we inspire a quality first sense of ownership that unlocks your team's productivity and enables excellence.

I need a quality culture Developer Mentoring and Training

I need Great Minds with Strategy

I Need Great Minds

We can scale and augment your development team. We’ve full-stack architects, front-end UX engineers, and accountable technical project managers.

I Need to Future-Proof

We have vast experience refactoring software inundated with Technical Debt. We can identify and refactor software patterns that lead to unreliable, unstable, and difficult to maintain applications. We can lead you to the place where your software infrastructure stands the test of time.

I need to future-proof code

I need to delight Gamification

I Need to Delight

Custom Branded Gamification! The M5T Gamification service makes your brand fun and engaging. Our whimsical mobile games amplify your brands look and feel, making it a powerful online differentiator. Reward visitors for sharing socially and making it fun to promote your unforgettable story.